Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TiPEL SIG Webinars

During my year as chair of the TiPEL SIG, I have not utilized this blog as much as I intended, but better late than never. By now, you should have received email notifications of the TiPEL SIG Webinar series. This series was developed for 2 primary reasons.

  1. To provide leadership in the use of webinar technologies to the rest of the Academy.
  2. In addition to the annual meeting, to provide members of the Academy with additional learning opportunities regarding teaching, learning, and technology.
I tasked a small workgroup to develop and implement the series. They have put a lot of time and effort into it and deserve some recognition. Those individuals are:
Tracy Chapman, Creighton
Jude Higdon, Minnesota
Mark Smith, New Mexico
Eric Wombwell, Missouri-Kansas City

Also, Allan Lee from AACP was instrumental on the technical "back-end" of the webinars and provided vital assistance.

Please take advantage of these seminars and if you have any questions with regard to how your SIG or Section might effectively use webinars for something similar, please contact me or any of the work group members.

Jeff Cain, EdD, MS
Adjunct Associate Professor
Director of Education Technology
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
(859) 257-4429