Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2011 TiPEL SIG Business Meeting

I hope to see a large turnout at the annual business meeting this year. We are specifically looking to increase participation in TiPEL activities. Opportunities for this will be discussed at the meeting. The agenda for the meeting is below.

Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Report of the Chair
Report of the Secretary
Report of Programming Committee
Report of Nominating Committee
Report of Ad Hoc Committees
    Webinar Committee
Unfinished Business
    Instructional Technology survey/database
New Business
    Webinar Committee for 2011-2012
    Topic-specific bloggers for 2011-2012
Closing Remarks
Installation of Officers
New Chair Remarks
    Committee volunteers

Monday, June 27, 2011

Technology-related Posters and Presentations in San Antonio

Do you have a technology-related poster, presentation, roundtable, etc. at the AACP meeting in San Antonio?

Add the information about it to the comments following this post so that members of the SIG will have a handy list they can refer to when deciding what to do each day.

TiPEL-SIG Program at AACP Meeting in San Antonio

iPads, Twitter, Google Sites, and Next-Gen Distance Learning: Interactive Technologies for Active Student Engagement
Jude A. Higdon, Nichole M. Kulinski, Amy L. Pittenger, Christene M. Jolowsky

In this session, several projects utilizing collaborative tools will be described for experiential, classroom-based, and research applications, including an iPad evaluation, social networking, "next generation" student response technology, web-based collaborative writing tools and a range of distance learning strategies for engaging learners. Program will include active participation and panel discussion.

During this session, learners will:
• Identify ways in which our students found iPads helpful -- and not helpful -- to their learning activities
• Articulate ways in which social tools, in particular Twitter, may be used to help build scholarly community among students
• Learn about and engage with emerging, cloud-based, device-neutral student response systems such as ChimeIn
• Explore the use of web-building sites such as Google Sites as a way for health professional students to demonstrate content mastery
• Describe how collaborative writing with tools such as PB works can enhance learning
• Identify techniques for engaging distance learners

Tuesday, July 12
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Grand Hyatt San Antonio
Lone Star Ballroom, Salon C; Floor 2

Continuing Education credit will be available

Inkling iPad Textbook

I was recently given the opportunity to review a chapter of the upcoming 8th edition of "Pharmacotherapy:  A Pathophysiologic Approach" on the Inkling platform for iPad.   I was quite impressed.

There is a video demonstration of Inkling on the iPad at All Things D.   

What do you think about the idea of students having textbooks on the iPad?   "Wave of the future" or "flash in the pan"?

Gary Theilman, Pharm.D.
University of Mississippi