Friday, October 3, 2008

Using EHR in your curriculum to achieve ACPE competencies etc...

At UMKC, we are beginning a process to incorporate and an EHR across the curriculum to both teach skills in HCIT and also gather assessment products. Is anyone else incorporating an EHR in their curriculum and if so are you developing your own or using a commercial product? What courses are you starting with?? If you already started any suggestions re getting faculty buy in, student buy in etc....


  1. This post is actually by Trish Marken, Professor at UMKC not my husband Harvey who showed up for some reason - ha!!

  2. We are using in our longitudinal IPPE course which meets once/week. Students see patients in the local community, and we have created an electronic medical record for each patient in the application. We also use the application in our clinic, which is staffed by faculty members and APPE students.

    We have previously taught HCIT content in our management course without the use of an EMR. We will use in the course in Spring 2009. We believe that ACPE's informatics requirements are very general in nature, so we will use competencies (not yet published) that Terry Seaton at St Louis led the charge in developing.

    In the IPPE course, faculty buy-in has been difficult to measure, but anecdotal comments suggest it is a substantial improvement over the way we used to do it. The clinic folks have embraced the software for their clinical activities.

    I would be happy to discuss its usage in the didactic program as we move forward, if there is interest.


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