Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pharmacy Textbooks through Facebook

Kno is a publisher of electronic textbooks and has a few pharmacy-related titles in their catalog.

According to Techcrunch, Kno had originally developed their own e-reader but decided to forego it in favor of the an iPad app.  What caught my eye is that they also offer reading textbooks through Facebook.

I signed up for the Kno application through Facebook to see what it looked like.  Within Facebook the student is given a menu which includes links to all the textbooks they have purchased.   Clicking on the title of the textbook opens an external browser window that loads Kno's web-based reader.  

You could also launch the web-based reader directly from Kno's website.   At present, several features are labeled "Beta" and it appears to be a work-in-progress.

What do you think about using Facebook as an entry portal for textbooks and other class materials?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Gary. I shared this post with the CE class I am taking on mobile medical resources.
    Christina Seeger, Pharmacy Librarian, Univ of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX


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