Sunday, September 4, 2011

What's the best application for taking notes?

Over at Lifehacker they are taking votes on the best apps to take notes and organize thoughts.

The candidates are

  1. Evernote
  2. Springpad
  3. MS One Note
  4. SimpleNote
  5. Paper and pencil
I know which one I prefer.   What do you like to use?


  1. I started to use Evernote recently primarily for scanning my documents, but have been using Note Taker HD for my notes primarily. Would love to hear what other people use and like. Thank you!

  2. Looks like Evernote won the poll.

    To be honest, I mostly use Evernote as an electronic filing cabinet.

    I also use Note Taker HD on the iPad when taking notes during a meeting.

  3. I use Evernote for storage and Notes Plus to take notes.

    Kisha Gant
    Xavier University of Louisiana


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