Thursday, January 5, 2012

Best software for putting lectures online

Over at Slashdot someone posted this question:
"I'm trying to help a school put their classes online in the way most minimally invasive to the teachers. A few environmental considerations: They don't always have live internet in the classroom, or I'd just run to Skype. I'm hoping to make it as much one-touch start/stop as possible to start recording, stop recording, and upload to a server. I'd like to believe others here have already done something similar, so if a package or process worked for you, that would be great to hear. Not sure what if it's all PowerPoint lectures, or if they actually use a whiteboard, and if so what the best camera would be to use (on a school budget!)."
Like most Slashdot posts it's necessary to weed through the comments to see what people have to say, but there's a few good tips there.

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