Technology in Pharmacy Education & Learning SIG: Using an Electronic Health Record to Simulate Real-World Experiences in Therapeutics and Skills Laboratory Courses
Tuesday, July 17
1:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Program Description:
We intend to facilitate the development of real-world practice experiences useful for all institutions in therapeutics and pharmacy practice skills laboratory courses. We will demonstrate the use of a simulated electronic health record populated by real (de-identified) patient data for the purpose of developing practice skills in students throughout the curriculum.
Keith J. Christensen, Creighton University; Kimberley J. Begley, Creighton University; Samuel C. Augustine, Creighton University; Amy Pick, Creighton University
1. Describe the benefits of the use of an electronic health record (eHR) in achieving educational outcomes in students throughout the curriculum.
2. Demonstrate the application of the eHR for the delivery of information necessary to prepare a medication therapy management plan for a therapeutics case study in lieu of paper-based documents.
3. Describe the development and implementation of the Electronic Laboratory Manual approach to simulating pharmacy practice and skills development.
4. Describe the use of the laboratory sequence as a means of demonstrating student achievement of educational outcomes and applicability to curricular assessment.
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