Monday, February 4, 2013

TiPEL SIG Officer Nominations

The AACP Technology in Pharmacy Education and Learning (TiPEL) SIG is now accepting nominations for officers for  2013-2014.   The two offices are:

Chair–elect:  This is a three-year commitment in which the person serves as chair-elect, chair and then immediate past-chair.  The chair-elect is the chair of the programming committee and would coordinate the SIG programming for the 2014 Annual Meeting.   The chair-elect also serves on the nominating committee for officers to serve in the 2014-2015 year.

Secretary – This is a two-year term.  The Secretary shall record, keep and distribute minutes of SIG business meetings to all
officers.  The Secretary shall summarize the minutes of the annual SIG business meeting for publication in the Newsletter.  The Secretary shall serve as Chair of the Resolutions Committee and transmit to the AACP Board, House of Delegates or Bylaws and Policy Development Committee all policy and resolution issues approved by the SIG membership. 

To nominate someone (or yourself), please send name and contact information along with a biosketch (200-250 words) by 5:00 PM Eastern time February 28 to     The nominations committee will choose a short list of candidates from the nominations and submit them to AACP.  AACP will conduct the election online. 

If you have any questions, please contact me directly.  Thank you for your interest and participation in the SIG.

Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy