Sunday, February 8, 2009

Social reference management

I've been using EndNote locally on my machine for years. With Web 2.0, we have the option to use online reference management tools that allow us to collaborate with others. EndNote Web provides this function. Connotea is a well-known tool that "grew up" and exists purely as a Web application. Others include Labmeeting, CiteULike, and WizFolio (which I have recently started using).

One feature of WizFolio that I really like is the ability to upload a PDF and let WizFolio use metadata to create a citation for the PDF. It also will go out and search for PDFs of citations that you enter maually or through an upload from your existing management software. It is free (for now) but I wonder how long that will last.

What are you using? What do you think about it?


  1. I just signed up for WizFolio and watched the intro video. Sounds very nifty. Plan to use it for a paper I'm writing now. Will let you know what I think:)

  2. I am still playing with Endnote X, however it just seems unstable (crashes out.) I have to work with others and endnote does not support that very well (at least how I do it.

    Interested in some of the ones named and will try them out for an upcoming paper.

  3. Brent,

    As you know I use EndNote and have for several years. However, I think the time has come for me to utilize online social reference management more to my advantage. I have used CiteULike for awhile, but primarily to "bookmark" online articles. I also will be giving WizFolio a try.

    Switching to social reference management software may be a little difficult for some (given that many authors I know do not use any type of reference management). However, once you get used to it, it should be a little easier to collaborate with others.

  4. Brent,

    I recently downloaded Zotero -- partly to manage my websites and my downloaded articles. I haven't figured out all its capabilities yet -- though it looks like it will be helpful.


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