Monday, June 27, 2011

Technology-related Posters and Presentations in San Antonio

Do you have a technology-related poster, presentation, roundtable, etc. at the AACP meeting in San Antonio?

Add the information about it to the comments following this post so that members of the SIG will have a handy list they can refer to when deciding what to do each day.


  1. Poster Presentation:

    Twitter and Google Voice to simulate a resident's day on-call.

    Monday, July 11
    Noon – 1:30 p.m.

  2. Roundtable Discussion:

    Web 2.0 Applications for Instructional Purposes.

    Sunday, July 10
    6:45am - 7:45 am

  3. Poster presentation: Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) Blog to Encourage Relection
    Monday, July 11
    Noon – 1:30 p.m.

  4. Poster presentations on Sunday, July 11: 4:30-6:30

    Using Facebook™ to expand the Pharmacy Management Classroom by Jeff Cain and Anne Policastri

    Faculty Norms Regarding Social Media Use and “Friending“ Behaviors by Jeff Cain, Doneka Scott, Anne Metzger, Paige Akers, & Amy Tiemeier

    Assessment of a Newly Implemented Mobile Computing Requirement by Jeff Cain, Helen Garces, Frank Romanelli, & Kelly Smith


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