Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Outsourcing grading to a computer?

There was a very interesting article today on The Chronicle's web site about outsourcing grading, possibly even to a computer. What do you think about this development? The arguments for are that it makes assessment entirely merit-based, as graders have no preconceived notions of who the students are or what their capabilities are -- they just see their work and evaluate more neutrally. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I've written web applications for my department that allow for two-way anonymity. Faculty don't know which treatment plan belongs to what student and students don't know what faculty members graded their assignment. It's also set up so that the team of faculty members who grade the assignments are all scoring the same section for all assignments. So, while 8 different faculty might be involved in scoring a document, one faculty member scored the "Adverse Event Monitoring" section for every student.

    The automated "robo-grading" sounds interesting. I'll have to look into that.

    Gary Theilman
    University of Mississippi


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