Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BidRx: Ebay for Prescriptions?

Here's a technology-related topic for those who teach marketing to pharmacy students:

At Lifehacker there is a discussion of BidRx, a website that allows patients to enter the details of their prescription and then will try to find them the lowest price from several competing pharmacies.
To use BidRx, you'll need your prescription from your doctor or other licensed prescriber. You can mail this in to the pharmacy that "wins" your bid or, depending on the drug (and your state laws), fax it in. Most of the pharmacies listed with BidRx are small ones around the country, but you may find one nearby where you can pick up your medicine in person.
There's some discussion in the comments about the problems of patients having one medication filled at one pharmacy, a second medication filled at another, etc. without a pharmacist being able to review their entire profile.    A pharmacist there is making a good effort to explain to the rest of the group why this is potentially dangerous.

1 comment:

  1. I do understand that times are hard, but there has to be a better way.


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