Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leveraging Pharmacy Practice via Technology

There is a short article at Pharmacy Practice News  that is structured around a series of tweets that went out during the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Summer Meeting in Denver.
“Mobile information appliances offer the greatest opportunity for decision support using the best science possible in the practice of pharmacy and in the health care management decisions for patients,” said Mr. Felkey. Pointing to the wide range of software available for pharmacy, he quipped, “There is an app for that!”
Free registration for the site is required to access the article.

1 comment:

  1. I've been helping my cousin look for pharmacy schools and decided to read more about it.I am surprised that pharmacists haven't caught on with the advancements we have in technology. Dont you think it's about time they did? Look at Duane Reade's makeover,I wouldn't be surprised if other pharmacy stores would someday copy this.


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